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My Recent Works


Fist Fight

An infinite scrolling combat Game in which the player kills enemies and earns the points. Based on these points His level and Health will be updated.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Topics:    3D games, Animation Events, MVC Design pattern

Version:   Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS

Used notable mentions for the development.

  • MVC design Pattern for Player Services.

  • Objects for spawning Enemies.

  • Health bar & Achievement system for player system.

  • AI Behavioral for Enemy Services.

Loose Your Weight

A 2D shooting Game where player has to kill certain number of enemies to to gain points and go to next level. Based on this points players loose some weight.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Topics: 3D games, Observer Pattern, MVC Design pattern, Singleton Pattern

Version: Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS

Used notable mentions for the development.

  • Used State Machine Pattern for managing different canvases Like

    • Main Menu, Option Menu, Single Player Menu

  • AI Behavioral for Enemy Services

Space Shooter

An infinite scrolling Space Shooter Game in which the player controls a Space-Ship that moves at a fixed speed, dodges enemy-ships and other obstacles, and also shoots them.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Topics: Sprites, Shooting, Destruction

Version: Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS

Used notable mentions for the development.

  • Object Pool Design Pattern for

    • Instantiating player and enemy bullets

    • For spawning enemies at fixed time

  • AI Behavioral for Enemy Services

  • Canvas manager for managing all UI Services like Main menu, Instruction Menu, High Score Menu, Game Over Menu

Tanks (3D)

This game was created by Unity Technologies to demonstrate how you can build your own fully featured, multiplayer game with Unity. 

Difficulty: Easy

Topics: 3D Games, MVC Pattern, Singleton Pattern

Version: Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS

Used notable mentions for the development.

  • MVC design pattern for tank services

  • Object Pool Design Pattern for Instantiating player and enemy bullets

  • Scriptable Objects for different types of tanks

  • State machine pattern for Enemy Services

The Explorer (2D)

The 2D platformer game to be forked something like mario its a clean repo made for LTS version

Difficulty: Easy

Topics: 2D Arcade Game, Animation Events, Level Winning system

Version: Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS

Used notable mentions for the development.

  • Used Generic Singleton approach for overall game architecture

  • Used Animation technique different types of enemies like dumb enemy, Intelligent enemy, smart enemy.

  • Used a Level win conditions for each levels.

Flappy Bird(Clone)

Game where Player navigate the bird faby through pair of pipes which have equally sized gaps placed at random heights 

Difficulty: Easy

Topics: Arcade Games, Observer Pattern, Singleton Pattern

Version: Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS

Used notable mentions for the development.

  • Singleton pattern for single instance of player

  • Object Pool Design Pattern for Instantiating pipes at random heights

  • Canvas system for different menu

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